Specific algorithm for particular Data Structure!!(day-4)
A new person must learn in this order only
Algorithms are divided into two parts
- Specific to Data Structure
- General Techniques
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Specific to Data Structure
1. Arrays
- Quick Sort: Efficient average-case time complexity (O(
n log n
)) - Merge Sort: Stable sort, useful when order matters (O(
n log n
- Binary Search: Fast search in sorted arrays (O(
log n
Two Pointers:
- In-place manipulation, often for sorted arrays (e.g., removing duplicates)
Sliding Window:
- Sub-array problems, finding maximum/minimum within a window
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2. Linked Lists
- Iterate through the list, understand the node structure
- At beginning, end, or at a specific position
- In-place reversal, recursive and iterative approaches
Cycle Detection:
- Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare algorithm
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3. Stacks
Implementation not needed.
- Push/Pop/Peek Operations
4. Queues
Implementation not needed.
- Enqueue/Dequeue Operations
5. Trees (Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, etc.)
- In-order, Pre-order, Post-order (recursive and iterative)
- Find a node with a given value (especially in BSTs)
6. Hash Tables (Hash Maps/Sets)
Implementation not needed.
- Understand how hash functions work
- Insertion/Deletion/Lookup
- Collision Handling
7. Heaps (Priority Queues)
Implementation not needed.
- Insertion/Deletion (extract-min/max)
- Building a Heap
Top K
- Using a heap to find
largest/smallest elements
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8. Graphs
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
Shortest Path:
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Cycle Detection:
9. Tries
Implement Trie from scratch
- For words/prefixes
- Using a trie for word suggestions
10. Union-Find (Disjoint Set)
- Implement Union-Find from scratch
- Find/Union Operations
- Cycle Detection in undirected graphs
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General Techniques
These techniques are not specific to any data structures
- Recursion
- Dynamic Programming
- Backtracking
- Greedy Algorithms
1. Recursion
- Defining a problem in terms of itself, often leading to elegant and concise solutions.
- Solve: Factorial calculation, tree traversals, depth-first search.
2. Dynamic Programming
- Breaking down a problem into overlapping sub-problems and storing solutions to avoid re-computation.
- Solve: Fibonacci sequence, Knapsack problem, Longest Common Sub-sequence.
3. Greedy Algorithms
- Making locally optimal choices at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum.
- Implement: Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees.
4. Backtracking
- Incrementally building solutions, exploring all possible paths, and abandoning invalid ones.
- Solve: Sudoku solver, N-Queens problem, generating permutations.
Time Complexity
- O(1): Constant Time
- O(log n): Logarithmic Time
- O(n): Linear Time
- O(n log n): Linearithmic Time
- O(n²): Quadratic Time
- O(2^n): Exponential TimeO(n!): Factorial Time
- Read: O(1)
- Insertion: O(n)
- Deletion: O(n)
- Fast at reading but slow at insertion and deletion.
Linked Lists:
- Read: O(n)
- Insertion: O(1)
- Deletion: O(1)
- Slow at reading but efficient for insertion and deletion.
- Push: O(1)
- Pop: O(1)
- Peak: O(1)
- Follow the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle
- Useful for fast retrieval of the topmost element but can be cumbersome for inserting or deleting elements in the middle or end.
- Enqueue: O(1)
- Dequeue: O(1)
- Front: O(1)
- Follow the FIFO (First In, First Out) principle, first element in line is the first to come out.
- Think of them as playlists for organising items in order of arrival.
- Read/Search: O(log n)
- Insertion: O(log n)
- Deletion: O(log n)
- Nodes connected by edges; root, parent-child connections.
Binary Trees:
- Efficient searching of ordered values
- Follow a binary search property where left child nodes are less than the parent and right child nodes are greater.
- Useful for tasks like number guessing games or dictionary implementations
Hash Maps:
- Read: O(1)
- Insertion: O(1)
- Deletion: O(1)
- Similar to arrays but with named indexes (keys)
- uUnordered but provide fast lookup.
- Traversal/Search: O(V + E) (V: number of vertices, E: number of edges)
- Insertion: O(1)
- Deletion: O(1)
- Versatile models for connections between nodes and edges
- Can be directed or undirected with no neighbouring limit.
- Can include cycles and weights on paths.
- Used for tasks like route optimisation.
Note: Focus on patterns not on number of Questions
- Sliding Window Pattern
- Subset Pattern
- Modified Binary Search Pattern
- Top K Elements Pattern
- Binary Tree DFS Pattern
- Topological Sort Pattern
- Binary Tree BFS Pattern
- Two Pointers Pattern
I will add more here if I will get 500 claps.
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Day-1: Why Data Structure and Algorithm
Day-2: Nodes : Most basic building blocks of data structures
Day-3: Implementing Nodes : Most basic building blocks of data structures